Raffaele Capuano On The Fashion Industry and Transitioning Into Music
Naples-born Raffaele Capuano has charted a sprinkling of achievements during his tasteful walk in the fashion industry. Homage blankets Capuano as he discusses his humble upbringing in Naples, saying, “Growing up in Naples shaped me by making me understand from early on that in life there’s good and bad. Even though I lived in a nice city, I grew up seeing a lot of poverty and crime. Seeing real-life situations, like crime and poverty, kept me humble and gave me street smarts to get through this life.”
“The power of fashion saved me,” the fashionista often reinstates. Capuano dove headfirst into modeling as a teenager, where his confidence birthed, and his maturity blossomed, “It made me more confident. The fashion industry gave me a career at a young age, and it matured me. I look at business in a different mindset than before because of my career in fashion.”
However, the devoted fashion follower’s interest in modeling did not prosper naturally. World-renowned fashion designer Francesco Scognamiglio laid eyes on the young creative while vacationing in Capri. From there, Capuano signed with D’management Group and then Elite Model Management. Subsequently, the devoted fashion follower collaborated with Italian fashion photographer Giampaolo Sgura (Vogue, Teen Vogue, Allure, Hercules, GQ Style, GQ, and Interview.) Capuano accredits Sgura as “one of the rare photographers that allows you to be yourself in his photos. He doesn’t want any ‘acting’ poses, but instead, he wants the real you.”
For multiple years, Capuano graced the catwalks at Paris Fashion Week and Italy Fashion Week. These events inscribed the Elite Model’s significance in the fashion world. Armani, Versace, Dsquared, Dolce Gabbana are all brands he has repped. However, Capuano doesn’t feel any pressure modeling for these highly acclaimed brands, “I don’t feel pressure. I know my work will show in the results. When I began modeling, I was thrown into it without background and without knowing what to do. I didn’t have any expectations because I felt if this career is for me, it will fall in place. From that first experience, I had already learned not to feel pressure. To this day, I try to stay in the moment while taking photos. Since developing that mindset, I’ve been at peace with this career field.
In the interim of the fashion mogul’s modeling ventures, Capuano channeled his feelings and energies into music therapeutically. Music became something for the model to do for fun. Once his musical offerings reached the interested ears of others, his passion began to flourish into something a little bit more. His influences are a concerted assemblage of R&B, rap, hip hop, with his sonic landscape touching each one of them. He says, “My sound is trap-rap club music with a mix of pop in some songs. I like to diversify and try out different genres. I never like to classify my music in a specific genre. One day, I’ll want to do something more pop, another day something more rap.”
Perhaps Capuano’s refined confidence amid modeling contributed to his easy transition into music and allowed him to shake off any negativity about his hip-hop offerings.“If you judge someone based on what they do or their job, it’s your problem, not mine,” he says, “You shouldn’t judge someone’s music or talents based on their job.”
“Camera 301,” released under Capuano’s moniker South RC, was written during the lockdown in 2020. It details the loneliness that was felt during that period. The song’s concept was conceived during Capuano’s flight from London to Milan. Creativity is effortless for South RC to channel. He accredits people’s different walks of life, sticking to an everyday routine, and endless networking with great inspirations.
“Impactful, bangers, and melodic” are words chosen by Capuano to describe his long-awaited, forthcoming EP. He continues, “Song-wise, there’s going to be a bit of everything. Some songs are drill music then some songs are a bit more soft and melodic. Some are going to have a more dark side, and chill portrayal of me in the EP. It is going to be a mixture of who I am as an artist. I cannot wait for everyone to hear it.”
Meet the Author
Brianna Vacca is a Philadelphia-based writer. She has an unhealthy addiction to true crime documentaries, celebrity gossip, and writes overly dramatic sad songs.