Lopis’ “Mental” Is All About Shining a Positive Light on a Dire Subject

Meet Lopis, a Seattle-based rapper whose journey is as raw and real as the music he creates. From a small desert town in Arizona, he moved to Seattle at just four years old, facing a childhood filled with challenges. By sixteen, he was sent back to Arizona, hoping to find guidance from his father. At seventeen, he stepped into fatherhood himself; while the child’s mother struggled with addiction, Lopis was determined to break the cycle and be the father he never had. Back in Seattle, he took on a construction job, quickly learning the hard truths of providing for a family.

Lopis channels his experiences and emotions into powerful lyrics that inevitably touch people deeply. After being inspired by a friend's encouragement, he transitioned from construction to medicine, pursuing an MBA with dreams of climbing the corporate ladder. Yet, despite his professional success, something was missing. Writing became his outlet, and just a month before his second child was born, he began recording his own music.

Now, with his latest song “Mental,” Lopis dives deep into the struggles of anxiety and depression, presenting a raw and honest dialogue between the artist and the fractured inner world he’s slowly piecing together. The lyrics open with a confrontation, personifying anxiety as a persistent voice that critiques and questions self-worth. This creates an immediate sense of tension, very accurately reflecting the internal battles many people face.

“The origin of this song comes from a sweatshirt that I saw while eating breakfast in a diner before a long meeting at the hospital. The sweatshirt said, “Your anxiety is lying to you”. Over the past year or so, I have worked hard to address my long-ignored mental health issues. In the past, I would simply ignore difficult feelings and put a good mood into existence. It worked, but it was not healthy.”  

— Lopis 

Collaborating with producer Ezra Guyll and sound engineer Dakari Gwitira, Lopis is set to share his story through new singles every two weeks. “Mental” stands as a powerful testament to his journey, highlighting his growth and the struggles that have shaped his artistry. More than just a rap song, it aims to demystify conversations around mental health, encouraging others to seek help without fear of shame or judgment. In doing so, Lopis not only forges his musical legacy but also fosters a sense of community and understanding.