From Rebellion to Redemption: Exploring 'TROLL,' the Latest Musical Odyssey by Elliphant

Elliphant stands out as the eternal rebel, and her latest album, 'TROLL,' is a testament to her wild and unapologetic spirit. The Swedish singer, songwriter, and rapper has carved out a multi-platinum-selling career that defies the ordinary, embracing the wildness that has propelled her to international stardom.

The journey to 'TROLL' is charged with raw energy and irreverence, marked by Elliphant's early exposure to music in his single mother's home, a tumultuous adolescence, and a transformative encounter in India that ignited her passion for exploration and music.

The album, produced by Johan Wedel and mixed by Richard Silver, is a sonic mix of electronic punk, grime, and hip-hop. This raw and even chaotic cocktail incorporates ingredients from Elliphant's new motherhood, infusing an air of rebellion against social pressures and a passionate love of nature.

‘TROLL’ is a rebellion against our outrageous ego in this consumption society. It’s meant to be a declaration of my intense love and longing for nature. “TROLL”  is both raw, rough and uncompromising. I created it between diaper changes and instant macaroni with my daughter on my hip. For me, “TROLL” is a very individual experience (...)", she said.

The artist has added that the hope for 'TROLL' is that "it will be able to strengthen people's spirit in moments where they are alone in life and need of power, not necessarily in those darkest moments but more like an elixir in the often very tough and soul-killing experiences of everyday life. I hope it will be a perfect friend in your headphones on public transport or when you are pulsing through the city towards kindergarten or trudging at the gym. A reminder of the truth is and has always been in the mystery".

Her profound reflections on the yearning for nature and the struggle to find purpose in the societal duties of our modern world are the driving forces behind this album. Living in Sweden, known as the most secular culture globally, Elliphant emphasizes the importance of not forgetting the soul's need for care. She believes that imagination is humanity's superpower and purpose, asserting that when creativity is set free, it becomes the magic that allows us to make reality out of our visions—making us akin to gods.

With this album, she seeks to reconnect with the ancient tribal knowledge that was one with nature, embodying strength, pride in weakness, and a welcoming embrace of emotions. The album aims to serve as a totem pole pushing through the concrete of urban life, symbolizing the troll leaving the forest and embarking on a journey through evolution.

Elliphant paints the troll as a multifaceted figure—a hunter, a gatherer, a mother—capable of loving hard, partying hard, and embracing life fearlessly. The troll represents the darkness within us, acknowledging the pain, and challenging the illusion made by society that life is all glitter and ease. Life is hard, and Elliphant urges listeners to deal with it, inviting them to experience the raw, unfiltered reality. 

'TROLL' is Elliphant's clearest and most personal work yet, a celebration of her rebellious journey and her newfound wisdom through motherhood. It's a sonic rollercoaster that invites you to delve into the depths of her indomitable spirit while encouraging us to delight in the chaos.