Emma Cole's "Hollow": A Poignant Anthem for Women's Rights

Emma Cole's latest single, "Hollow," is a tremendously powerful song. It is a moving, feminist anthem that resonates with raw emotion and a call for justice.

“Hollow” was written in the wake of the Texas abortion ban in September 2021 and emerged from a place of deep personal pain and social outrage.

The song is not only a reflection of Emma's personal experiences, but also a rallying cry for women around the world who see their reproductive rights and ability to decide about their own bodies diminished around the world.

I like to think that it also applies to the increasingly frequent cases of femicide in the world that have attempted to put women in a dark corner of loss and helplessness.

The song begins with a haunting melody that immediately sets a somber tone to reflect the desperation and frustration that inspired its creation. Emma Cole's lyrics are direct and unflinching, summarizing the turmoil many women felt during this period. The chorus, with its repeated declaration “Inside I'm Hollow,” resonates deeply and captures the sense of emptiness and betrayal felt by those stripped of their autonomy.

In her own words, Emma recalls the visceral reaction she had upon learning of the abortion ban. “I’ll never forget the pit in my stomach when I first heard the news about S8, the treacherous abortion ban passed to go into effect in Texas” (...) “The immediacy of the wave of grief that came over me rushed me to my piano, and this song poured out of me being a woman who has had the personal experience of a teenage pregnancy that inevitably turned into losing my firstborn.”

These words underscore the deeply personal nature of “Hollow,” bringing even more authenticity and urgency to the song. The narrative of her teenage pregnancy and subsequent loss of her child provide heartbreaking context to the song's plea for bodily autonomy.

Musically, "Hollow" is a mix of melancholy and defiance. The instrumentation is minimal but effective, allowing Emma's voice and lyrics to take center stage. Her vocal delivery is both vulnerable and powerful. It conveys the pain and resilience that define the song's central message.

Emma Cole's "Hollow" is a testament to the ongoing struggle for women's rights and a stark reminder of the personal and societal costs of these battles. It stands as a stirring call to action, and it’s an essential listening for anyone committed to understanding and supporting women's rights in today's challenging climate.

For more info on Emma Cole: INSTAGRAM | TUMBLR