Scarlett Gee Is Singing Her Way to the Top

They say beauty and talent rarely coexist, but Scarlett Gee is the undeniable exception. With her mesmerizing green eyes and a voice that ranges from hauntingly delicate to powerfully dynamic, Scarlett is nothing short of captivating. Imagine your favorite fairy tale princess with the ability to belt out a power ballad—that’s Scarlett Gee.

Growing up in the heartland of Australia, Scarlett’s formative years were a melting pot of experiences that have undeniably shaped her unique sound. It’s like she’s taken a bunch of musical ingredients, stirred them with a dash of outback spirit, and whipped up something truly special. 

Her latest single, “Ghosts,” is a haunting masterpiece that showcases her extraordinary vocal range and songwriting talent. A poignant exploration of love, loss, and longing.  It’s a song that lingers in your mind long after the final note, inviting listeners to delve deep into the complexities of human emotion. 

We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with this rising star. In this exclusive interview, Scarlett opens up about her artistic journey, the inspiration behind "Ghosts," and what the future holds as she continues to carve out her own unique niche in the music industry. Get ready to step into the enchanting world of Scarlett Gee—you won’t want to miss a moment.

We’re eager to learn more about your journey into the music industry. What inspired you to pursue a career in music at such a young age?

I have always just gravitated toward music and singing. Literally, since I started school (age 5), I have said that I was going to be a singer. I started singing lessons at the age of 8, with a vocal coach who loves to push me into trying new sounds and styles. I started performing and fell in love with being on stage. I love taking people on a journey with music. For me, music is about feeling. Processing emotions and letting things go. The love of performing is what really inspires me.

Your music has a unique quality. Do you believe your Australian heritage plays a role in shaping your sound? 

I would say it is hard for it not to, although I think even more so is the eclectic music styles that I was exposed to growing up. I have performed in musical theatre since I was 11, and at home, my parents have always listened to anything and everything. So I think that has definitely influenced my sound. Of course, lots of Australian artists are on rotation at home, so it is impossible not to be influenced by that. 

Who are the artists and musicians that have inspired your creative process?

Number one would have to be Billie Eilish. She is such an inspiration. She released her first single at 15, and so my goal was to do the same. With the help of Kyle Emerson Brown of Mars Records, I did that. Adele, what a vocal powerhouse! Her voice is incredible, and her ability to make you feel the feels is like no other. 

Let's dive into your new single, “Ghosts.” Can you walk us through the creative process behind it? What inspired the song? 

Ghosts. Wow, so it started as one line, which is now in the chorus: ‘These are the things that I will miss most, while I’m sitting here dancing with Ghosts’. That one line sums up this song more than anything. It was the end of a relationship. Thinking about what I will miss about the person and feeling like all I have left of them is their ghost. They left, I’m here, and I have nothing of them. So from that one line, the rest was built out.

We think a music video would be the perfect complement to “Ghosts.” Do you have plans to release a music video, and if so, what can you tell your fans about it? 

Yes, that is definitely on the cards. I don’t want to give away too much, but it will be moody and ghostly. 

Now that “Ghosts” is out, are you already working on new music? Can you give us any hints about what’s next?

Yes. I have another song in final stages of production. Photography and film clips are actually already set to go for the next song. It’s good. It’s really good. It happens to also have a theme of heartbreak and a failed relationship. Maybe this tells too much about me – people leaving all the time – haha. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Keep listening. Thank you for your support so far. I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I will do yet, so keep an ear out for all that’s yet to come. And thank you for taking the time to interview me.