Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg

Photo Credit: Lauren Desberg

When first I listened to "Your Biggest Fan" I knew I was listening to something special, and indeed, as I went and checked out the rest of Lorelei Marcell's catalog It was impossible to find something I didn't like. Her voice is wisened, sweet, and warm, it's easy to get carried away in it and left wanting more of her wistful and nostalgic style. This is all made even more impressive when you realize Lorelei is merely 18 years old, and the inevitable question arises: If this is what she can do now, where will she be as a singer and lyricist in 5, 10, or 15 years from now? Are we witnessing the early period of someone who will define a musical era? well, her talent certainly has the enticing quality that makes that a real possibility.

"Your Biggest Fan" has all the makings of a hit single. it's catchy without being obnoxious and easy to follow without being vapid or shallow. Marcell's voice glows warmly over the music, lulling you into the story of the song and the video, and it carries you through a transitional period between two stages in her life. We go from the comfort zone of her Boston home and into the more hectic and fast-paced new world of L.A. where she now pursues the musical career we see unfolding before our very eyes.

The video, directed by Dri Sommer and Nicol Biesek of SVN QNS takes full advantage of Lorelei's sweet and dreamy voice by being equally dream-like, it goes by almost like a fast-paced musical play. There is a gorgeous dance choreography by Carlena Britch that represents Marcell's bittersweet meeting of a special someone in this transitional period, again reflecting on that wistfulness that is not only apparent in her voice but also in her lyrics, and as Lorelei jumps from stage to stage in the video, we catch a sentimental glimpse of her past, present, and future as an artist.

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Just as that first time listening to "Your Biggest Fan" I am left wanting for more. My eyes and ears can't wait to witness what Lorelei Marcell will be conjuring up next in the near future. I bid you all watch this music video and see for yourselves why you need to pay attention to this blazing young talent.


Venezuelan-born raised and based. 

I joined Rival Magazine after a few years of doing PR work for independent musicians of all stripes; understanding their struggles to be heard in a sea of constant  ADHD noise and paywalled access to platforms, I now bring a willingness to always appreciate and encourage the effort and creativity that artists put into their work . Can also find some of my writings on LADYGUNN and We Found New Music.