Kayla Bohan Is More Than a Rising Star - An Exclusive Glimpse into the Mind of a Young Hollywood Phenom

Kayla Bohan, a young actress with an already impressive resume, has rapidly ascended Hollywood's ranks. Born in 2010, she displayed an early affinity for the dramatic arts, blossoming into a talented performer. Her journey, marked by both critical acclaim and personal growth, has been nothing short of extraordinary. From her breakout role in "KAYLA," where she shared the screen with established actors, to her more recent work in "From Embers," alongside Matthew Morrison, Kayla Bohan has consistently demonstrated a natural charisma and acting prowess well beyond her years.

Beyond her on-screen endeavors, Kayla is a multifaceted individual with a passion for music, philanthropy, and outdoor activities. This dynamic personality, coupled with her undeniable talent, makes her a captivating figure in the entertainment industry. As she continues to evolve as an artist, we eagerly anticipate the next chapter of her promising career.

We were fortunate enough to sit down with Kayla Bohan for an exclusive interview where she delves deeper into her world, sharing insights into her creative process, aspirations, and the challenges she's overcome. Get ready to be inspired as Kayla Bohan opens up about her journey and her vision for the future.

Tell us about your work as an actress. What drew you to the craft in the first place?

I've always been fascinated by storytelling and the ability to portray different characters. My journey into acting began with various roles in school plays and community theater. I made my first feature-length film when I was seven years old, and the positive responses I received encouraged me to pursue it professionally.

As far as movies go, what are you into?

I’m not picky when it comes to movie genres—I feel like I love them all. But I especially like comedies and romances, so I hope I can do one of those in the near future. Many actors and actresses have inspired me to be brave, open up, and express a different part of myself in the projects I’ve worked on. I love that part of the process—discovering who the character I’m playing really is.

What sort of roles are you mainly interested in at the moment?

I love this question because I think about it a lot. I would absolutely love to star as a teenager in some sort of teen movie because I’ve heard those are super fun to film. I am 14, and my classmates and I have had many “teenage” experiences, both good and bad. So, I hope I will have an opportunity to act in a teen movie while I’m still a teenager [laughs]. I like stories that truly reflect the relationship between my age group and the struggles and triumphs we go through with our parents, families, and teachers. These problems reveal the difficulties of communication between generations. I find roles that require emotional depth rewarding. They push me to explore my craft. I enjoy roles that demand a deep level of engagement. I also like comedies, because honestly, who doesn’t like to laugh? I like the way comedies make people feel, and my friends tell me I’m hilarious!

What can you tell us about your upcoming role in “From Embers”?

The film was shot last summer. I got the role just as it was about to start shooting. I read the entire script and was really attracted to the character I would be playing, named Chloe. As Chloe, I played an intelligent 13-year-old who is the daughter of a character named Marty. Chloe acts as his voice of reason to her father. Her maturity far exceeds her age, maybe because of the divorce her parents went through. She understands her father’s position and, instead of resenting him, tries to learn more about him and connect with him. When preparing for this role, I started by thoroughly reading the script in order to understand the character's motivations and relationships. I always try to do research by observing real-life situations and sometimes draw from my own experiences to bring truth to my role. The actor who plays Chloe's father is Matthew Morrison from Glee. I’ve learned a lot from him. I see a shadow of my father in him. I think our scenes felt natural and honest. I hope the father-daughter relationship in the movie will really move people. I also worked with Matthew to complete one of the theme songs for this movie. The song is called “Panorama.” I think it’s beautiful. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with Matthew on this movie. He is very much like the character he played—confident, brave, and talented. And he was so helpful to me, especially when I forgot my lines. He was always by my side to support me.

You’re also a musician, of course. How do you envision your future? Do you plan to continue doing both acting and music or do you feel like one will take precedence over the other?

I’m currently attending a songwriting summer camp at an art school with young music lovers from all over the world. I’ve worked very hard at music. It’s one of my true loves. As a recent graduate from junior high, I’m just beginning to embark on my professional career. I envision a path of personal and professional growth. In academics, I love English and history. I’m also passionate about law and politics, and I hope to become a lawyer or maybe even a judge someday. But for now, I plan to continue to take acting workshops to refine those skills. I love the artistic side of me, so no matter what else happens, I hope I will always be able to share my gifts as a songwriter, singer, and performer.

Who do you feel has influenced you as a creative performer? 

Reading about people who made it big while fighting against the odds is inspirational to me. It drives me to keep working and giving my best to every project I’m associated with. Fortunately, there are many people that I find inspirational. My family is very important to me. They’re always proud of my achievements and encourage me to move forward when I encounter difficulties. But I feel my mom has been the most influential person in my life. She was born into an ordinary family. She spent her childhood in the countryside, so she has always had a deep love for nature. And yet, she built her business from scratch through hard work and the right attitude. She’s in her late fifties today but continues to work with the same passion as when she started. She’s taught me how to think ahead, set goals, and then achieve them. She challenges me to use my imagination and to have high expectations for myself. She inspires me to always try harder and to be a good person. I’m very driven to work towards achieving my goals every day.

Besides “From Embers,” what else have you got lined up for this year?

I try to think about and prepare myself in advance for things I would like to do. I always want to be the best version of myself possible. One thing I’d like to do is to bring uplifting performances with my band to people who are less fortunate and inspire them to find the strength within themselves to do better in their lives. Helping people will always be an important part of me. I hope that over time I can find a way to keep smiling and to share my unique perspective of life with the world as I continue to pursue my dreams and encourage others to do the same for themselves.