Kat Hamilton has a weapons-grade new single out!
Ask the right people and you’ll learn that pop-punk never went away, and how could it? It’s hard to argue against the bold irreverence and youthful charm of its sound, and when you look past the undeniable commercial appeal there’s also something deeply charismatic, some X factor that taps into an elusive feeling that is hard to capture with anything other than its catchy riffs and soaring hooks.
Enter Kat Hamilton and her fresh-off-the-oven release "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK". The redundant expletives will probably not go over very well with your family-friendly rock radio station, but the “Punk” label is not pinned to the genre for purely decorative reasons. For a song that’s all about getting something cumbersome off your chest, it certainly makes good use of its titular F-bombs, but not that it even needs them, mind you, because Kat’s own voice is quite capable of delivering all of the fierce attitude that the message requires.
Putting a spin on a situation that I just don’t think I ever heard before, Kat describes FYYFF as a “shout your heart out" anthem for every side chick who's been blamed for an affair” voicing the often unheard-off side in the battlefield of cheating and redirecting the weight of infidelity where she feels it truly belongs. As it befits a Pop Punk banger, this song is fun, high-energy, catchy, and of course chock-full of unapologetic and irreverent attitude, even going so far as to boast “Oh, and she writes better songs than you do.” in the lyrics.
But who is Kat Hamilton? The Queer Singer-songwriter has worn many skins and played many roles during her career, including a 5-year stint as Manic Pixi’s frontwoman, as one half of the LA based indie-rock duo, Guyville, and if you've been to SXSW at all, it's likely that you've had the pleasure of seeing her wonderful talent on their stage more than once. In 2018 she released her solo debut EP "The Grey Area", a vulnerable and highly emotional take on the indie-rock sound that has more or less become her staple since. This was followed in 2020 by her critically-acclaimed debut album "Recovery Songs", an ode to the value of sobriety and the dark path down mental illness, addiction, and hitting rock bottom. Today, Kat's new song also tantalizes us with an upcoming project called "I Wish This Was A Love Story", an EP that " examines a toxic relationship from every angle."
Not content with just releasing a single and working on more music, Kat launched a double whammy tour earlier this May with Ali Coyle all over the west coast, but don't worry your east-coast heart because she will also have some dates available for all of you alongside No Grudges and Guysville. For more information check out her instagram. or her website.
Samuel Aponte is Venezuelan-born raised and based.
I joined Rival Magazine after a few years of doing PR work for independent musicians of all stripes; understanding their struggles to be heard in a sea of constant ADHD noise and paywalled access to platforms, I now bring a willingness to always appreciate and encourage the effort and creativity that artists put into their work . Can also find some of my writings on LADYGUNN and We Found New Music.