Kaleb Rudy Releases Poetry for all the Senses in his Latest EP, “My Own Volition”

Kaleb Rudy is more vulnerable than ever before. His latest production is a visual album under the name of “My Own Volition.” Every piece in the album perfectly transmits the intensity and complexity of human connection, but when you put them together, they work as chapters that immerse you in one of the most touching stories I have seen lately. 

Kaleb Rudy is an indie singer and songwriter born in Colorado, but who has explored the lands of Virginia, Montana, and Iowa, before finally establishing himself in California. For him, growing up in small towns and having a Christian pastor as a father did not make it easy to accept and explore his identity as bisexual. However, he always fought to find a way to channel his inner turmoil through artistic outlets, whether writing intimate songs or immersing himself in filmmaking. His passion for storytelling, her creative mind, and his unique vision have led him to the creation of “My Own Volition,” a project where he is the writer of each of the songs, the director of all the visualizers, and one of the stars of this moving story. 

“My Own Volition” emerged from Kaleb Rudy’s desire to create music driven by instinct rather than external expectations. Disenchanted with the industry’s focus on marketability, Kaleb sought to express his authentic voice, stating, “I felt I’d lost my way by trying to figure out what people wanted to hear rather than what I wanted to say.” This realization led him to reconnect with producer Scott Smith, with whom he had previously found a liberating creative synergy.

Together, Rudy and Smith embarked on a summer-long journey at Smith’s home studio, reviving songs that were left aside for not fitting the commercial mold. The result was a series of intimate tracks that prioritized personal fulfillment over industry trends. These songs accompanied by emotional visualizers have been released gradually, and the audience has loved each one of them, proof of how honesty creates a real connection with listeners. Kaleb Rudy reflects, “People have reached out expressing how it’s impacted them.”

Influenced by the raw balladry of Jewel’s “Pieces of You,” Kaleb maintains the core of traditional storytelling while experimenting with diverse sonic elements. For example, the single “Tornado (Lie With Me)” stands out for featuring innovative typewriter samples as percussion, while the song “Lot’s Wife” reaches spiritual heights with a church organ and chamber choir. The tracks mentioned before, along with “Eighteen,” “Mess,” and “Selfish,” are the bricks that Kaleb used to create the compelling story of “My Own Volition.” Each one of them counts with a captivating visualizer that invites listeners into Kaleb Rudy’s world, where the rocky imaginary cowboy-like and the intimacy of close relationships integrate with a sensation of upcoming danger. 

Kaleb Rudy’s journey with “My Own Volition” remarks the importance of trusting one’s creative instincts. He shares, “I think that proves how important it is to trust your own taste and follow your gut. Your music will find the people it’s supposed to.” This philosophy has not only guided Kaleb Rudy back to his musical essence but has also forged a deeper connection with his audience, who finds solace and reflection in his unvarnished expression.

For more info on Kaleb Rudy: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TIKTOK