Photos Daniel Prakopcyk
Success, money, love: that’s the stuff of life, right? Or is it the moments of fear, the loss that proves you once loved, or the failures that illuminate some part of yourself, that truly matters? The choice may seem clear, but our intentions don’t always go for the right to speak.
"I wanted to write a sort of dance song that rich girls/boys could dance to without realizing it's calling them out for expecting all of us to live in the carefree world that they reside in. Love you guys though."
Jonny West’s cinematic music video for “Gold Rush” washes us in a golden hour glow, with comedic snaps of casual-fine dining and a tense game of chess. The song is hip-hop leaning and emotionally raw, serving witty production and a crisp sense of personality. Subtly catchy melodies and rhymes pan across your ear drums, locking you in to singing the hook before you know what hit you. So when YouTube cues up Jonny’s next hit, and the next, and then the’re glued.
With Jonny West, it’s not about the destination - though you can be sure wherever you’re going will have tacos and wine and affectionate grooves playing overhead. There is no final destination for an artist, not even when you press the music onto a vinyl record. Creativity certainly flourishes most in the moments in-between and that undulation is exactly what Jonny so expertly captures.
Jonny West, the self-proclaimed “jack of all trades, master of not taking things too seriously“ is a multi-faceted musician who’s been mysteriously floating to the top of our radars since 2019. His first full length EP, THE THING ABOUT THIS IS…dropped last week, repping themes like chasing truth, mental health, money, and of course, love. It’s impossible not to feel something when listening to Jonny’s music, landing you right there in the present moment with him; because in his stream-of-consciousness cool-boy pop, you feel an honesty that is so relatable, you instantly recall just how connected all of our stories are.
Stream below the world of Jonny West: one we can’t help but want to be a part of, and at the same time, already are.
“This project is a reminder to myself that satisfaction can’t lie in what my perception of happiness is. But maybe it lies in the paths and lessons I’ve learned along the way."
Ari Tibi is a writer, artist, and performer living in Los Angeles, CA. Growing up in a family of storytellers, writing took its natural course in the form of songwriting and journalism for Ari. Their curiosity and passion for the arts placed them as associate editor at Ladygunn, and freelance interviewer for other music publications such as Hunger, BUST, Flaunt, American Songwriter, and more. Follow Ari on Instagram to keep up with their work.